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        关 键 词:养老金融 资本市场 个人账户养老金 职业年金



This paper focus on how China learns the experience from developed countries on pension financial development. After reviewed pension development in OECD countries, it could be found that the current European debts crisis countries all have less private pension assets; so they have to rely on public pension, aggravate the debts crisis in turn. Based on the current situation of China’s three pillars pensions, this paper try to definite the theoretic framework of pension finance. The core issue of pension finance is to promote indavdule account pension and occupational pension invest into capital market, which will preserve and increase the value of pensions; to introduce pension funds as a long term stable institutional investor for the capital market, as well as benefit the sustainable development of pension finance. The first pillar social pool pension can only invest state Treasury bond; at the same time to promote the other pillars pension invest in the capital market, the financial innovation of infrastructure trust and house reverse mortgage, to benefit the development of financial market. To meet the trend of integrated financial supervision in developed countries, China must regulate its pension finance system efficiency, reduce and take precautions against risks of pension investment, promote the healthy development of pension finance in the future.

Key Words: Oldage Finance, Capital Market, Indavdule Account, Occupational Pension ,HU Jiye, Professor of Law and Finance, China University of Political Science and Law

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